This week for some reason the weight started coming off fast. I went from 213 the beginning of the week and woke up this morning, after loading up on pasta yesterday at 210.8. I still have my size and I am even tighter, so I'm not worried about this, but I do want to hold at this weight if I can.
Now I know it's not how much you weigh, its your conditioning that is important. I am in the right condition, right now, so I want to maintain this and keeping my weight here will help assure this.
I may have to have a weight gainer drink tomorrow if I come down anymore. Drinking your calories is the faster way to get them. It's a 1250 calorie gainer with 5 grams of fat and 250 grams of carbs and 50 grams of protein and a bunch of other stuff... but I'm not sure about it yet, I may level out and not need it, but If I decided, it okay being 2 weeks out, I'll have time to correct anything that may happen.
I'm going to start to lower my sodium a little more now by dropping the protein drinks and replacing them with chicken. yeah chicken, did I mention how much I hate chicken these days...
I'm going to training Monday through Thursday this week and treat is like a contest week. This Saturday a friend of ours Elisabeth Taylor, who is a professional photographer is going to take picture's of me outside at the Fenway in Boston. I'm going to treat this Saturday as a day I would be completing, preparing myself as I would the day of the show
For me, the last two weeks are the hardest, but at the same time the most exciting
please pass the chicken