Intensity for immensity - Sickness for Thickness - sizeBIGGER!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

64 days out... weight still climbing up

Back and Traps last night started with standing calves, then barbell shrugs (if you haven't tried hitting traps before back, you should give it a try, it's a nice pump) then, bent over rows on the smith machine, wide grip pull downs, dumbbell rows and reverse grip pull downs, ending with Abs

Wake up weight 219.4

no gym tonight.... where is the sun~



  1. Lookin good, bro. I just started back lifting. A friend just let me know that the problem with my deads stalling at the knees is from a weak upper back. I see lots of shrugs and rows in my future. Good luck.

  2. thank bro! try rolling your hips forward instead of trying to lean back with your back. Once the bar is at your knees, thrust your hips forward and that will bring you up. the hardest part is getting the bar to your knees, if you can do that, you can stand up with it,

    Good Luck!
