Intensity for immensity - Sickness for Thickness - sizeBIGGER!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

25 cent “tip of the day” Start with a different exercise and or muscle often

Back and Shoulders.

And it went something like this…

Shrugs - 5 reps, 7 sets, climbing up to 5 plates aside for 2 sets, ending on 4 plates, last two sets to failure

Standing shoulders presses, 4 sets, didn’t count

Dumbbell seated laterals, pausing at the top, 4 sets

Wide grip lat pull downs, 4 sets

Machine hi row grip lat pull downs, 4 sets

Machine seated wide grip lat pull, 4 sets

Single grip cable lat pull downs, 4 sets

Dumbbell rear Delt raises on an incline bench, 4 sets


Off a “Cliff” swoops down a Hawk, onto a Lobster, who assimilates that Hawk.

This is called, the survival the fittest!

Then there was the Hawk aka Alex aka the Hawkster

Awesome workout!

Time for a protein drink


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