Intensity for immensity - Sickness for Thickness - sizeBIGGER!

Friday, November 26, 2010

The day after…

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving; I was fortune enough to eat at two places yesterday, so I was ready to bang out some Back, Shoulders and Traps today

Again today there were four of us, once in a while Mike was still in town and needed more abuse which we are much obliged to give him…

Today damaged started with Back then Shoulders then Traps.

And it went something like this…

Reverse grip Chin-Ups/ 4 sets
Low Row Cable Rows/4 set
Barbell Bent over Rows/4 set
Wide grip cable Pull Downs/4 set
Standing Barbell Shoulder Presses/4 sets
Close Grip up Right Rows/4 sets
Machine Side Laterals /4 sets
End of a bench, Rear Dumbbell laterals /4 sets
Barbell shrugs 4/ sets
Finishing on stomach

I want to thank once in a while Mike for hanging and banging with the crew and welcome him back on his next visit for more thrashing.

Next two days off, back at it on Monday

Until next time… size BIGGER!

Time for a protein drink!

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