Intensity for immensity - Sickness for Thickness - sizeBIGGER!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Nice & Quick

Weight still climbing up… I didn’t train last night, so the weight only when up a little, but after today’s workout and all the food I’m going to pound down afterwards though out the day, should put me up around 210 come tomorrow.

I’m still as lean as I was a week ago, just more filled out and thicker

Today damage will be Shoulders, Traps, Biceps and Forearms at 10am. It’s going to be a quick one, not much to do...

Start with standing Shoulder press, then to side laterals, rear laterals, front raises and upright rows. Barbell shrugs for the traps.

Biceps will start with standing barbell curls, then to a preacher curl, a reverse curl and for forearms just off the end of a bench I’ll do wrist curls reverse and regular to failure...

That’s it nice and quick, shouldn't take us more the an hour an a half

Time for a protein drink

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