Intensity for immensity - Sickness for Thickness - sizeBIGGER!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

NPC New Englands - Competition day

6:30am weigh-in 197.4 after “shit happens” 196.8

It looks like I am going to be a light heavy weight, I would much rather be a big light heavy weight, then a smaller heavy weight.

My best friend (the mirror) couldn’t be any happier and my wife is even happier.

I’m hard, ripped, dry and ready for a pump, I could not ask for anything more.

Again today, I will eat every 3 hours starting at 7:30am, 6oz chicken, 10oz potatoes and sipping coffee.

I’ll eat clean just in case I win my class. I want to stay in condition for the overall pose down, which happens during the evening show

You can pretty much tell if you have a chance to win your class during the prejudging, by how they move you around and compare others to you.

Put it this way, if you are at or near the end of the line-up and they move you to the middle, that’s a good thing, the other way around, is bad thing

And in honor of my son Anthony I will bring a peanut butter and nutella sandwich on matzo for a victory snack.

I have already won, because this is the best condition I have ever competed in.

Happy Halloween

Time to compete

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