Intensity for immensity - Sickness for Thickness - sizeBIGGER!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

75 days out

Legs feel really good this morning, just enough soreness where I'm still able to flex them without too much pain or locking up. We did Squats, then walking lunges, leg extensions, stiff-legged dead lifts, seated legs curls and donkey calves. Nothing too fancy, just enough to get the job done.

Today is a day off from training and my son and I are heading to the Jay Cutler Classic in Boston to watch the prejudging show. I have a few friends competing this year and I want to cheer them on. This might be the first show I ever went to just to watch. Should be a good turn out, the Jay has been getting bigger and bigger since it started back it 2009. I wish all my friends the best of luck!

Wake up weight 224.4

Tomorrow and for the whole week, I'm cutting my carbs in half, taking in 25grams every 2.5 hours. This should really make a big difference. I only have about 5-6 pounds of fat to lose, mostly in my waist, so I really don't need to lose too much fat.
Back in October when I was getting ready to compete in the New England's, at one point I was 217 and was pretty shredded, I just had the extra water to get rid of, which I did the week of the show, so knowing that and what I weigh now and I know I'm bigger than I was 6 months ago, there is no reason why I shouldn't be "shredded" at 217 again if not heavier this time.

It's all about changing your body composition. First you get rid of the fat, then you control your water so the your muscles hold as much as possible "in" them, without holding water "on" them. But before I worry about that, I need to rid the body of fat and this is done by training hard and eating super clean (zero fat) and controlling your caloric in-take

My prediction, (for me, here is where I like to have fun with this) next Monday before I go back to eating 50 grams of carbs a sitting, my body weight will be at 221-222 range and then I should be able to go back to 50grams and lock that weight in, slowing down the weight lose, but still continuing to burn fat


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