Intensity for immensity - Sickness for Thickness - sizeBIGGER!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I can't touch my face

I don't know how to write this one...

I though just for the hell of it, we would do as many reps as we could with the warm up weight on flat benching (135) well that turned into everything. You know we don't count our reps unless we count our reps for a reason and we usually just go to failure. But this time we went to failure and counted... talk about volume.

We started with the flat bench 135 and did anywhere from 25 to 40 reps and went up to 185 and did it again, as many as we could do, then back down to 135 for the last set, trying to get as many reps as we got the first set. We did this on the smith machine too with inclines and then on dips, doing as many as we could for 3 sets, trying to beat each other or just trying to beat our own numbers. We ended chest doing dumbbell pull overs, as many as we could with 60's the first set, then 80's for the last set, doing well over 30 reps.

For Triceps we started with skull crushers with a straight bar having just 10 pounds on it and do as many reps as we could for 3sets, doing 30+ each sets, same with French curls and we ended on push downs with 50 pounds and did 2 sets of as many reps as possible. I was able to get 46, then 55 and Alex was just about the same, but John first set was 50 reps and with a little incentive (me motiving him on the side) he was able to do 105 reps on his last set!

Talk about a blood pump, I can't remember the last time I put so much blood into a muscle, boy what a great feeling!

Break me down

Scale me 234.4
4sets/Seated Calf
3sets/Flat bench
3sets/Smith Inclines
2sets/Dumbbell Pull Overs
3sets/Skull Crushers
3sets/French Curls
2sets/Push downs

Workout time 1hr 30m

I'm in the shower last night, my pump was gone at that time, but I still couldn't touch my face and even today I feel like I have something on the back of my arms

Again, again, lets do this again!


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