Intensity for immensity - Sickness for Thickness - sizeBIGGER!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Back to Monday

Looks like this week will run normal with no workout changes. Monday is Chest and Triceps and we started with Flat Bench, then Incline Dumbbells and then onto Dips, which we hadn't done in a bit, ending with machine Flies.
We always like to mix it up as much as possible, never starting with the same exercises. Last Chest workout we started with Incline barbells, then onto Flat Dumbbell, followed with pullovers instead of Dips.

Mixing it up keeps you growing I believe, plus it keeps it interesting all the time, instead of the same thing over and over. This way here, your body never gets a chance to get "use to it". And there are some many different movement you can do for a muscle, there in no way to do them all in one workout.

Break it down...

5sets/Seat calf
5sets/Flat Bench (last set just the bar as many as we could)
4sets/Incline Dumbbells
4sets/Machine Flies
4sets/Dumbbell skull crushers (these were real nice)
4sets/Cable Push downs
4sets/Cable French Curls w/ a straight bar
5set/Standing behind the back wrist curls


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