Intensity for immensity - Sickness for Thickness - sizeBIGGER!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Back to the grind

6:30am weigh-in 203.6

Last nights workout was Back, Hams and Ass

My training partner and I decided to change things up a little.

We are going to hit hams on a different day than with legs (I may do them twice a week)

Day one: Back and Hams/Ass/Calves
Day two: Chest and Triceps
Day three: Legs and Hams/Ass/Cows
Day four: Shoulder and Biceps

This way here we can have shorter workouts and have more energy to concentrate on weaker body parts

I started yesterday with dead-lifts working my way up to 4 plates (405) for 2 set of 5 reps, then onto bent-over rows, going up to 2 plates (225) for 8 reps, then pull-downs for 4 sets, ending with close grip pull-down for 4 sets. Back is not a weak point for me, so you won’t see me doing too much in terms of sets or exercises

For Hams, I started with stiff legs going up to 150 pounds for 4 sets, then into that Ass exercise I talk about and finishing off with Standing Leg Curls. I would have probably hit my Calves too, if they weren’t so sore from posing at the competition

In hindsight, I realize the mistake I have been making for contest preparation. Years ago in my 20’s I would eat myself up to competition, but for some reason I’ve been eating myself down to competition, leaving me left with no muscles (It’s been a long time)

When I was in my 20’s I would eat more food while preparing for competition than I would when I wasn’t getting ready to compete… this is my problem, because what I’ve been doing now for contest prep, is eating less food and because of this, I have been coming in too small for my frame.

I can’t compete at less than 200 pounds; I'm not built that way anymore. I need to come in close to 210; this is where I’m nice and full with size

So the plan is, as I mentioned in my last post, to eat myself up to 235 and then depending on how fat I get (hoping not too fat) I will start to diet as early as 12 weeks out from May 2nd for the Jay Cutler Classic, only this time when preparing for competition, I will keep my calories over a 3000 minimum to start

Time for a protein drink

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