Chest and
biceps was the damage last night. I try to never repeat a workout and last
night was no different. We started with flat bench. I'm having an elbow issue
and it’s preventing me from some
movements and this is usually one of them, but it wasn't feeling too bad, so I
took advantage of situation and banged out 5 sets before moving to inclines on
the smith machine. I watched a u-tube video not too long ago of Dennis James
doing these pause sets at the end. Dennis would bring up the stoppers, so that
the bar would rest on them right at the point of the full stretch and when he
couldn't do any more reps, he would rest the bar on the stoppers for a second,
then do another rep, again and again. It’s was a lot harder than he
made them look in the video, but I'm always looking for ways to shock the
muscle and that’s just another way.
those we hit flies, flats and inclines. I would have liked to end chest with
dumbbell pullovers, because I believe this movement is a staple and should be
done every week or at very least every other, but because of my elbow being
fucked at the moment, I had to pass on that for yet another week. Off came the
compression sleeve and we started standing crooked bar curls, then preachers,
followed by dumbbell hammers and ended on seated calves
those pictures where taken a few weeks back, I’ll
try to be more current going forward.
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