Intensity for immensity - Sickness for Thickness - sizeBIGGER!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Let’s put things into perspective

So my 6:30am weigh in seems to be leveling off at 215. I’ve been as heavy as 219 but at this point it’s only excess water weight from over eating and drinking

Weighing 215 with my abdominals showing is clearly the biggest I’ve ever been in my life and I’m growing be the week. You can’t expect your weight to increase extremely if you consider how much muscle actually weighs

Lets take 3 pounds of steak, if you were to lay this out on a table you would appreciate how much meat that really is and to put that much meat on your body, well that is quite a bit.

For my body weight to stay at 215, but continue to become leaner and leaner, well that’s growing even though my body weight hasn’t increased.

Increasing body weight faster then a pound or two a month is too fast, especially if you’re increasing it by eating tons of non fatting foods and you are fully carbed up all the time, you weight should not change much

Increasing body weight at this rate, under those conditions, assure that it is muscle you are putting on and not fat or external water weight
Let’s take a look at what I consume in a weeks time from Monday to Sunday

7 pounds of pasta
14 cans of tuna fish
14 weight gainer drinks
27 protein drinks
4- 400 calorie carb drinks (pre-workout)
6 pounds of chicken
14 cups of rice
And sugar of some sort we like to have after dinner, i.e. gum drops, fat free ice cream, frozen yogurt or any candy that doesn’t have fat.
In one week’s time, that is well over 35 thousand calories and no more this 10% coming from fat. That’s pretty amazing when you put it all into perspective…

As I mention in my last post this is truly a second job. I find myself always eating when I’m not hungry to eat. But I know it’s my job to keep the calories coming, so that I continue to heal from my workouts as fast a possible, continue to grow lean muscle mass as fast as possible, and continue to have the energy to train as intense as possible. I know if I don’t eat like this, I‘m only fooling myself thinking I will grow as fast as possible

Remember, the more you eat the bigger you get, the bigger you get the more weight you can push, the more weight you can push the bigger you become, the bigger you become the more food you need to eat…it’s a vicious cycle and I want to do it….

Time for a protein drink


  1. I love this blog...very informitive...And I can keep up on your progress..I will start training more consistently in three weeks after the holidays...Some lifting, but more running and bag work..215lbs seems a nice weight for you...Full and lean, legs coming in nicely..Your delts and back really respond well to the extra muscle...Keep up the posts they are great...Talk to you soon...Gene

  2. Dude you rock!
    thanks for all of your support Cuz!
